This is card set 7930. An copy of this set can be found at
Card #0 Mobile | ReactJS
Baby RuthNerdsPop RocksLife Saver SourSmarties
Peanut M&M'sSnickersJolly Rancher SourLaffy TaffySour Patch
Reeses CupsPeanut Butter M&M'sCircus PeanutsPixy StixPayDay
100 GrandFun Dip SourMike & IkePencils (Really??)Butterfinger Crisp
Red HotsKit KatDum-DumsSour RazzlesSugar Daddy
Card #1 Mobile | ReactJS
M&M'sJelly BellyNerdsBaby RuthAlmond Joy
Sugar BabiesLife SaverBazooka JoeMilk DudsLaffy Taffy
Fun DipKit KatMentos SourCandy CornSweet Pops
Pixy StixStarburstSkorSwirl LolipopRed Hots
Mamba SourRaisinetsPop RocksTootsie PopJunior Mints
Card #2 Mobile | ReactJS
Nerds SourPeppermintsTwixJolly Rancher SourCrunch
Swirl LolipopSour PatchRed HotsHershey BarPixy Stix
Necco WafersTootsie PopKit KatTwizzlersSugar Babies
Swedish FishDum-DumsBaby RuthRaisinetsYork Pattie
Mamba SourJolly RancherPeanut Butter M&M'sPencils (Really??)Hershey's Cookies-n-Creme
Card #3 Mobile | ReactJS
PeppermintsM&M'sAlmond JoyTwizzlersJolly Rancher Sour
SkittlesMamba SourReeses PiecesBottle CapsSour Patch
Tootsie PopMarsMike & IkeTootsie RollMilky Way
Sour RazzlesHeathSnickersMr GoodbarPixy Stix
Butterfinger CrispButterfingerKrackelButterscotchJelly Belly Sour
Card #4 Mobile | ReactJS
Sour PatchJolly Rancher SourTwist LolipopCrunchPeanut Butter M&M's
Jelly Belly Sour100 GrandNerdsDotsSkittles Sour
MoundsSmartiesCircus PeanutsBlow PopTwix
Red HotsButterfinger CrispPeppermintsSixletsM&M's
Kit KatSour RazzlesFun Dip SourSkittlesButterscotch
Card #5 Mobile | ReactJS
Junior MintsHeathReeses PiecesBlow PopBaby Ruth
York PattieMarsMamba SourHershey BarButterscotch
KrackelSixletsPretzel M&M'sReeses CupsButterfinger
Milky WayCrunchMr GoodbarThree MusketeersLaffy Taffy
Almond JoyPixy StixKit KatJolly Rancher SourPayDay
Card #6 Mobile | ReactJS
Mr GoodbarAlmond JoyPeanut Butter KissesSour Patch100 Grand
Sugar BabiesSixletsCrunchHeathM&M's
StarburstTootsie PopPixy StixJolly RancherMars
Peanut M&M'sLaffy TaffySnickersThree MusketeersSweet Pops
York PattieBlow PopMoundsBottle CapsSkor
Card #7 Mobile | ReactJS
Tootsie RollPeanut Butter KissesPretzel M&M'sMarsPeanut M&M's
Twist LolipopSnickersTwixKrackelSmarties
Jelly BellyNerds SourRaisinetsNerdsSweet Pops
StarburstSkorTwizzlersMike & IkeFun Dip Sour
Fun DipReeses CupsHershey's KissesSkittlesSour Patch
Card #8 Mobile | ReactJS
Sugar BabiesMamba SourPeanut M&M'sTootsie PopHershey Bar
Sweet PopsNerds SourRed HotsKit KatTwizzlers
Milk DudsM&M'sLife SaverMentos SourWhoppers
Life Saver SourDotsMarsMoundsLaffy Taffy
Reeses PiecesBaby RuthTootsie RollHershey's Cookies-n-CremeSkor
Card #9 Mobile | ReactJS
NerdsHershey BarHershey's KissesSwedish FishM&M's
Bazooka JoeTwixSkittlesMilky WaySour Razzles
Hershey's Cookies-n-CremeTwizzlersPeanut Butter M&M'sCandy CornButterfinger Crisp
Mike & IkeLaffy TaffyHeathTootsie RollSnickers with Almonds
Jelly Belly SourPeanut Butter KissesJelly BellyTwist LolipopKrackel